Leadseeker – drug delivery instrumentation
A multi modality imaging system to meet the demands of the pharmaceutical industry
Suitable for the detection of
• fluorescence intensity
• fluorescence polarization
• time-resolved fluorescence
• luminescence
• scintillation proximity assays (SPAs)
We were engaged as industrial designers and project managers to convert a laboratory prototype into a saleable instrument for the global pharmaceutical market. We also designed the product architecture and all the casework & chassis which had to be totally light tight as the $75K camera is capable of ‘seeing’ 1 photon of light
$1M per system with a global market estimated at 8, 12 were sold
We managed the procurement, build and testing & delivery of the first 10 instruments, before it was transferred to Amersham. A huge team effort of micro biologists, physicists, software and hardware engineers, orchestrated by industrial designers